
22 Apr 2023

World Book Day at Adi-Dravidar Welfare Primary School

In a captivating celebration of literacy, Adi-Dravidar Welfare Primary School, brought the magic of books to a life on World Book Day. With 49 enthusiastic participants, the event sensitized an incredible 147 children to the wonders of literature. The day unfolded with an array of engaging activities, including story-reading competitions, mesmerizing storytelling sessions, captivating role plays, and enchanting puppetry. Students’ expressive voices breathed life into tales, while role plays fostered empathy and understanding. Handcrafted puppets danced, captivating the audience and showcasing the power of imagination.

18 Apr 2023

Dental Camp: A Smile that Shines

Continuing their commitment to holistic well-being, Bro. Siga Animation Centre, in collaboration with the PG Department of Social Work, BSAC, and the TN Government Dental College & Hospital, organized a remarkable dental camp in the Vyasarpadi community. Held on April 18, 2023, this camp aimed to improve oral health awareness and provide dental care services to those in need. A total of 64 individuals availed themselves of this unique opportunity, received free dental check-ups, consultations, and treatments. The camp not only emphasized the importance of maintaining oral hygiene but also provided valuable insights into preventive measures and post-treatment care. Through the collective efforts of the organizers and dental professionals, the participants were empowered with knowledge, ensuring they could maintain healthy smiles and overall well-being. The success of these camps would not have been possible without the collaboration and support of the MSSW College MSW Interns, Shankar Nethralay, BSAC, and the TN Government Dental College & Hospital. Their commitment to social welfare and their invaluable contributions played a pivotal role in positively impacting the lives of the participants.

06 Apr 2023

Eye Camp: A Vision of Hope

On the 6th of April 2023, the Vyasarpadi community witnessed a noble initiative aimed to provide comprehensive eye care services to those who had limited access to such facilities. The eye camp attracted an overwhelming response from the community, with 89 individuals eagerly seeking assistance. The participants received free eye check-ups, consultations, and much-needed guidance regarding eye health. Through this camp, many eye-related issues were detected and addressed at an early stage, preventing potential complications. Moreover, four individuals who required cataract surgery were referred for free treatment, ensuring that they could regain their vision and embrace a brighter future.

22 Mar 2023

World Water day

To observe World Water Day on March 22, 2023, AARVAM organized a drawing contest with the topic "SAVE WATER." The programme was designed for teenagers' between the ages of 12 and 18. The competition had more than 36 kids, and awards were given out. The day came to a successful conclusion with the children's understanding of the value of water conservation..

09 Mar 2023

Women's Day Celebration

Student social workers of STELLA MARIS College, department of social work, collaborated with AARVAM and conducted a Women's Day celebration at Mallippo Colony, Vyasarapady. They conducted rangoli and sweet-making competitions for women in the community on March 7 and 8. On the day of the celebration, the prizes were distributed. The resource person for the program was Mrs. Bannu (a social activist and coordinator of Tamilnadu women's link). She talked about Importance of women's empowerment and women's health, and how it contribute to the social and economic development of the community The program was a great opportunity for people to gain a quality picture of women's role in society and family.

07 Mar 2023

Awareness on drug abuse

For adolescents in the age range of 12 to 18, a drug abuse awareness programme was provided on March 7th, 2023. AARVAM conducted the programme in collaboration with MSSW College and the OOKKAM Foundation (mental health and welfare). The origins, effects of drug and other substance abuse are the major debate points of the session. How they impact children's social, emotional, and physical well-being and how peer pressure & parental pressure contribute to it were also discussed. The programme was so successful that the final sharing of learning and evaluations was done by the kids themselves.

21 Feb 2023

International Mother language

On February 21, 2023, AARVAM and students from Madras School of Social Work, celebrated International Mother Language Day. There were 32 kids who took part in the programme. The programme provided an in-depth discussion of the day's commencement and history. The future generations need to understand the value of their mother tongue and why it should be honored. The children in the community gained a great deal of cultural and language knowledge as a result of this programme.

24 Jan 2023

National Girl child day

As national girl child day and International education day falls on the same date, AARVAM from BSAC, organized various activities to promote awareness about the rights of the girl child, bridge the gender divide, and to lay emphasis on the importance of girl child education. The main objective of the program is, emphasize the importance of educating girls and making them aware of their rights, along with speaking out against discrimination happening around them. The program started by screening a short film about the history of the girl child, followed by a motivational speech. The program concluded by answering their queries.

21 Jan 2023

Chennai Book Fair

On January 21, 2023, 15 community children were taken to the Chennai Book Fair with the book fairies to encourage their reading habits and expose them to new experiences. Meeting new people and having access to new books was interesting for these children.